Mapserver returns blank pages

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 19 23:59:00 PDT 2006

please tell us more:

- version of mapserver
- how you built it (yourself or picked one from where)
- if you built it yourself the configure flags you used
- are you using php as a shared module or as a cgi?
- version of apache, php and linux (uname -a)

Can you post the map file to the list?


On 6/13/06, antti siukola <siukola.antti at> wrote:
> Hi!
> Every time MapServer returns a blank page I find "[notice] child pid
> xxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11)" from apache's error_log. Any
> thoughts? Blank pages are returned randomly.
> AnttiS

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