Again c# Unable to load DLL (mapscript)

Paolo Corti pcorti at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 20 10:10:56 PDT 2006


I like MapServer, I have started to use it only since some days. 
What I would like to do is to use the c# connector with .NET 1.1

But since 2 days I have very big troubles to let it work, I always get the
"Unable to load DLL (mapscript)" and I can't go on.

I found several 3ds in this forum with my same problem, but none of them
were helpfull for me. I tried to check missing dependencies, I tried to set
the PATH env, I tried to copy dlls under system32, all without success.

I first tried with the precompiled binaries distribution, then I downloaded
an map server installation toolkit (
from 391 Mb!!!) and I
compiled myself -with success- mapscript_csharp.dll.

But when I create a stupid consol application with:

mapObj map = new mapObj(@"C:\ms4w\apps\sample\");

I am always getting the same message: Unable to load DLL (mapscript)

I would be very happy to use C# with MapServer, as I do with ArcIMS (since
several years) but I just can't start....
I am starting to think to write (in C#) a .NET Connector to the CGI Map

Thanks in advance if you will help me!
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