Again c# Unable to load DLL (mapscript)

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 21 06:36:45 PDT 2006


> But...
> this is a very simple sample code I did:
> //mapObj
> mapObj map = new mapObj(@"C:\ms4w\apps\sample\");
> Console.WriteLine("xmin: " + map.extent.minx.ToString() + ", ymin: " +
> map.extent.miny.ToString() + ", xmax: " +  map.extent.maxx.ToString() + ",
> ymax: " +  map.extent.maxy.ToString());
> //shapefileObj
> shapefileObj shapefile = new shapefileObj(@"C:\temp\province",5);
> Console.WriteLine ("Num shapes = " + shapefile.numshapes);
> Console.WriteLine("Num Layers:" + map.numlayers);
> for (int i=0; i<map.numlayers; i++)
> {
> //layerObj
> layerObj layer = map.getLayer(i);
> Console.WriteLine("Layer [" + i + "] name: " +;
> }
> map.setImageType("jpeg");
> map.setSize(400,400);
> //imageObj
> imageObj image = map.draw();
>"c:\temp\out4.jpg", map);
> Console.WriteLine("Image URL = " + image.imageurl + "; Image path = " +
> image.imagepath);
> and this is the output:
> xmin: 0, ymin: 0, xmax: 0, ymax: 0
> Num shapes = 0
> Num Layers:1
> Layer [0] name: province
> Image URL = ; Image path =
> why the initial extent is 0 for each coordinate? (in the map file is not
> so...)

Could you post the mapfile you have used?

> Why numShapes is 0? (it should be 103...)

You have created shapefileObj with mode = 5. This setting will create
a new empty shapefile by default. Use -1 as the mode parameter if you
want to open an existing file.

> why the generated blank map is not inserted in the imageurl and imagepath
> properties of the mapObj?

Have you set WEB.IMAGEPATH and WEB.IMAGEURL in you map file?

> Is there anywhere a C# API to MapServer?

What do you mean? For a description of the SWIG mapscript API visit:
For the C# specific issues see:

> Whate are your future plans for using C# library in ASP .NET projects?
> (somewhere in this forum I was reading that the library is not usable from

My plan is to have the C# API fully supported for the ASP.NET
application models.
To achieve this we should reconsider how mapserver supports the
execution of the multiple threads. For more details see:

These issues also apply to the other languages having multiple threads
executed simultaneously.

Best Regards,


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