Again c# Unable to load DLL (mapscript)

Tamas Szekeres szekerest at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jul 21 08:15:29 PDT 2006


> Maybe I am wrong, but I would swear that this is correct:
>   EXTENT         233335 4090486 1318423 5122209
>   SIZE           400 300
>   SHAPEPATH      "C:\cvs\data"
>   IMAGECOLOR     255 255 255
>     NAME         province
>     DATA         province
>     STATUS       OFF
>     TYPE         POLYGON
>     CLASS
>       NAME       "Sample"
>       STYLE
>         COLOR        232 232 232
>         OUTLINECOLOR 32 32 32
>       END
>     END
>   END

Hmm, I have no idea, could you post your sample app and data in mail
or to the bugzilla?

> last year when I checked mapserver I didn't get to know that a c# API is
> going to be implemented and I were thinking to implement a .NET API to make
> calls to the CGI interface. I guess your c# API is not using this approach,
> isnt it?

The C# interface uses the P/Invoke mechanism between the C#
(mapscript_csharp.dll) and the C (mapscript.dll) interface part.
Mapserver is working in-process to your application.


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