creating my own image and using them as funcations??????

Albert Anderson bart_doggers at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jul 21 12:04:02 PDT 2006


 I figure out my images.  Does anyone have a java script for using a image for panning.  I have images set for the corners of my map. I want to use them to pan.

Anyother question, is there a java script for images to  zoom-in and out?

One more question, I have a refresh button and pan radio button, then we I click refresh to take a layer off it moves the projective image. Why? I


P Kishor <punkish at> wrote: I am going to assume you are not asking for...

If you have already created your own images, you have done what
MapServer would do. So, why use MapServer at all? Unless you somehow
want to merge MapServer's output with your images... which may be
another can'o'worms altogether.

On 7/21/06, Albert Anderson  wrote:
> Hi,
> The question that I am asking is how can you load your own images in the
> html template w/out using mapserver drawing them?  Like for zoom in, out,
> and etc.....  I got my images created that I want. I dont know how to put
> that in the code.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Albert
> Steve Lime  wrote:
>  Albert: It's hard to visualize what you're after. Do you have a public site
> to check out?
> Steve
> >>> Albert Anderson 07/18/06 8:59 AM >>>
> Hi All,
>  I created my own images for zooming in, out, and etc.... I dont understand
> why they dont load into my html template when I click the initialize button.
> I just look at the template and the images are there. The intialize button
> html is a post and the html template is a get. Cant I make and put my images
> in to make them work as navigation buttons? I am using a lunix machine with
> mapsever 4 on it. Could anyone help me.
> Thanks,
> Albert
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Puneet Kishor
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison
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