Raster tiling

Zenon Panoussis oracle at PROVOCATION.NET
Sat Jul 22 15:00:37 PDT 2006

I wrote:

> Does anyone understand what I'm doing wrong and/or how to get it right?

I finally solved it. For the benefit of the next victim, here's the

The problem was

>     r.out.tiff -t -v in=srtm30_$reg out=srtm30_$reg

presumably in combination with the colour bucket discussion at
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/howto/raster_data . Substituting

r.out.gdal input=srtm30_$reg format=GTiff type=Int16 \
    output=srtm30_$reg.tif createopt="TFW=YES"

for the r.out.tiff command creates 1-band tiffs, which mapserver
then can colour uniformly with class statements like
      NAME "Elevation 1500-2000m"
      EXPRESSION ([pixel]>=1500 AND [pixel]<2000)
      COLOR 254 153 41

On a totally different subject, wouldn't it be better to have the
list's reply-to set to the list rather than to the sender, so that
replies get archived by default and can benefit more people than
just the person asking a question?


The best defence against logic is ignorance. The next best
is stupidity. Both can be used simultaneously.

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