cant seem to figure out panning with images

Manfred Meier m.meier at SPIEKERMANN.DE
Tue Jul 25 21:53:14 PDT 2006


I'm using mapbender ( for my work with mapserver. In 
one day I had a web application with two mapserver frames which are 
individually zoomable and pan-able (sorry) and queryable and a lot of 
tables and forms for my application data. Mapbender works with php and 

So, why not looking into mapbender for example or another client which 
does zoom and pan already. Even if you don't want to use it in 
production, you can learn from it.


Albert Anderson schrieb:

> Hi all,
>  I am a javascript for panning with images.  I type in all the code but 
> its not panning.  Here is part of the html code. Is there something 
> wrong with my code?  I am using a projection image with an extent of 
> 626173.309834 5085113.091715 694065.960556 5170035.212592.  The image 
> set in a table size of 309px by 417px. Could someone give a some 
> suggestions.  Thanks
> Albert
> <script type="text/javascript">
>   var mapheight = 417;
>   var mapwidth = 309;
>   var pansize = 0.75;
> function pan(direction) {
>   var x,y;
>  if(direction== 'n') {
>    x = (309-1)/2.0;
>    y = 0 - (417 * pansize)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 'nw') {
>    x = 0 - (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>    y = 0 - (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 'ne') {
>    x = (309-1) + (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>    y = 0 - (417 * pansize)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 's') {
>    x = (309-1)/2.0;
>    y = (417-1) + (417 * pansize)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 'sw') {
>    x = 0 - (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>    y = (417-1) + (417 * pansize)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 'se') {
>    x = (309-1) + (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>    y = (417-1) + (417 * pansize)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 'e') {
>    x = (309-1) + (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>    y = (417-1)/2.0;
>  } else if(direction== 'w') {
>    x = 0 - (309 * pansize)/2.0;
>    y = (417-1)/2.0;
>     }
>  document.mapserv.imgxy.value = x + " " + y;
>  document.mapserv.submit(); 
> }       
> </script>
> <TR>
>  <TD width="19" height="23" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" 
> BGCOLOR="#e7a500"><a href="javascript:pan('nw')"><img 
> src="../images/cornerarrow5.gif" alt="pan nw" width="25" height="25" 
> style="border-style:none"></a></TD>
>  <TD ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="#e7a500"  VALIGN="top"> <div 
> align="center"><a href="javascript:pan('n')"><img 
> src="../images/cornerarrow2.gif" alt="pan north" width="25" height="25" 
> style="border-style:none"></a></div></TD>
> <TD width="18" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" BGCOLOR="#e7a500"><a 
> href="javascript:pan('ne')"><img src="../images/cornerarrow6.gif" 
> alt="pan ne" width="25" height="25" style="border-style:none"></a></TD>
>                                         </TR>
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