Compiling Mapserver on Solaris

H. Porath porath at WEB.DE
Wed May 3 04:16:58 EDT 2006

Hello community,

we are trying to compile Mapserver 4.8.3 on Solaris 8/Sparc. We used the following configure-options:
./configure \
  --with-gd=/usr/local/gd-2.0.33 \

The make aborts with the following symbol referencing error:

ar rc libmap.a maptemplate.o mapbits.o maphash.o mapshape.o mapxbase.o mapparser.o maplexer.o maptree.o mapsearch.o mapstring.o mapsymbol.o mapfile.o maplegend.o maputil.o mapscale.o mapquery.o maplabel.o maperror.o mapprimitive.o mapproject.o mapraster.o mapsde.o mapogr.o mappostgis.o mapmygis.o maplayer.o mapresample.o mapwms.o mapwmslayer.o maporaclespatial.o mapgml.o mapprojhack.o mapthread.o mapdraw.o mapgd.o mapoutput.o mapgdal.o mapswf.o mapimagemap.o mapows.o mapwfs.o mapwfslayer.o mapcontext.o maphttp.o mapdrawgdal.o mappdf.o mapjoin.o mapgraticule.o mapcopy.o mapogcfilter.o mapogcsld.o maptime.o mapwcs.o mapcpl.o cgiutil.o maprasterquery.o mapobject.o mapgeos.o classobject.o layerobject.o mapio.o mappool.o mapsvg.o mapregex.o mappluginlayer.o epplib.o
ranlib libmap.a
gcc -c -O2 -fPIC -Wall   -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA  -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF  -DUSE_EPPL       -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS     -DUSE_GDAL  -DUSE_ICONV        -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd-2.0.33/include        -I/usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/include          shp2img.c -o shp2img.o
gcc -O2 -fPIC -Wall   -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA  -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF  -DUSE_EPPL       -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DGD_HAS_GETBITMAPFONTS     -DUSE_GDAL  -DUSE_ICONV        -DUSE_ZLIB -I/usr/local/gd-2.0.33/include        -I/usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/include          shp2img.o  -L. -lmap -L/usr/local/gd-2.0.33/lib -lgd -ljpeg  -lpng -lz    -ljpeg  -lpng -lz    -ljpeg  -L/usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib -lgdal         -lc  -lz -lm  -o shp2img
ld: warning: global symbol `_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_' has non-global binding:
        (file /usr/local/lib/ value=LOCL);
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
endl(ostream &)                     ./libmap.a(mapogr.o)
ifstream::ios virtual table         /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
ostream::operator<<(char const *)   ./libmap.a(mapogr.o)
__length_error(char const *)        ./libmap.a(mapogr.o)
fstreambase::fstreambase(int, char const *, int, int)/usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
flush(ostream &)                    /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
cerr                                ./libmap.a(mapogr.o)
__out_of_range(char const *)        ./libmap.a(mapogr.o)
ifstream::~ifstream(void)           /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
istream::getline(char *, int, char) /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
istream::ios virtual table          /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
fstreambase::close(void)            /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
ios virtual table                   /usr/local/gdal-1.3.1/lib/
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to shp2img
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [shp2img] Error 1

GDAL was compiled:  --with-mrsid --with-jp2mrsid=no --without-pcraster --without-static
The GDAL-apps work fine, e.g. gdaltindex indexes mrsid files correctly.
We are using gcc 2.95.3

If we configure mapserver without gdal, the make works, but we need the gdal-functions.

It would be nice if anyone had an idea. We are working on this for weeks now. Thanks in advance.


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