How to get Shapefile Attributes in PHP?

listuser HH listuser at HERZSYS.DE
Wed May 3 06:49:35 EDT 2006

John Kim wrote:

>I can draw a points layer just fine using PHP Mapscript. I'd like to access the attributes from PHP. I thought this would be easy but I don't find it documented anywhere and can't find any examples. Can someone clue me in?
>p.s. Is it just me or is the list archive website pretty ... weak?  It's very slow and there's no way to see all the search results if there are more than 50.

if I remember correctly you have to:

1. get a layer
2. open the layer
3. get a feature from the layer with shape- and tileindex
4. get a value from the feature (loop through with the numvalues)
5. close the layer

This should work for queries where you get the used shape- and tileindex 
from the resultobject. To access data from for example a shapefile 
without query you could use the php dbase functions if you have them 



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