
Brent Pedersen bpederse at NATURE.BERKELEY.EDU
Wed May 3 11:11:16 PDT 2006

hi, i just finished up a project and out of it came what i hope may  
be a useful lightweight javascript library for others. i called it  
MapSpork, cause it's so simple it doesn't deserve a serious name

it came from an idea here:
posted by (i think) David Bitner?  MapSpork is an attempt to do that  
generically, with html classNames and id's to indicate what the map  
or button or any html element should do when clicked/selected/ 
changed. the library then uses javascript regexp's and such to  
manipulate the url to zoom/query/pan as appropriate.

anyway, my crappy testpage and some explanatory text is here:http://
and a prettier page gutted from the project here:  http://
and the javascript as mapspork.js in either of those directories.   
works on Firefox, opera, safari and IE 6.

there are 3 classes:
MapSpork. an HTML element with class=MapSpork and id='zoomin' when  
selected will indicate that the map should zoomin when clicked (just  
like the CGI). likewise for zoomout, and query. these are best as  
radio elements.

NameSpork. an element with class=NameSpork and name='layers'  when  
changed (onchange) or selected (onselect) will cause the map to be  
redrawn with whatever values come from layers (just like the CGI).  
but since the page is not redrawn, the state is maintained auto.  
NameSpork can be use on anything sent into the url.

ClickSpork. ... class=ClickSpork and id='panne'  will call the  
function MapSpork.panne when clicked. these are best on buttons.

there is not too much functionality as is, because this is about the  
extent of my mapserver CGI knowledge, but it's easliy extended by  
creating a function MapSpork.whatever = function(){ alert 
('whatever') } and
then creating an html element with id='whatever' and the appropriate  
Spork class:
<input type='button' id='whatever' class='ClickSpork'>

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