image and jbox

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed May 3 16:48:44 EDT 2006

Hi Eric: I don't know that you can get them to work together. jbox knows nothing
about image maps and the browser knows nothing about what is going on in jbox.

To get tool tips in jbox you'd need to feed the image map or similar data into the 
applet. There are applets that allow you to do this but you'd have to do the integration
yourself. I had something similar working several years ago but I'm afraid it's from a 
*very* early version of dbox and wouldn't be of much use. It used an XML file to
store the necessary shapes.

So, short of writing java I think you're out of luck. Unless, of course, Rich Greenwood
has done this already for jbox...


>>> Eric O'Neal <ericoneal at GMAIL.COM> 5/2/2006 2:53:39 PM >>>
I'm new to mapserver and I am trying to get the jbox and Steve Lime's
imagemap example to work together.  I'd like to be able to zoom with the
jbox and get mouseover tooltips.  I have them both seperatly working fine,
but I cant seem to make both work in the same map.  Anyone have some code to
show me?


On 5/2/06, Eric Oneal <ericoneal at> wrote:

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