OGR and Filter

Pascoe,Tim [Burlington] Tim.Pascoe at EC.GC.CA
Fri May 5 13:52:15 PDT 2006

I currently use a simple virtual layer produced using OGR, to map points in mapserver from a SQL-Server query. I seem to recall an e-mail I received some time ago, which indicated that the latest version of OGR, 1.3, provided for a filter parameter to be passed to limit the results returned. Unfortunately, I can't find the e-mail, so I'm unsure if I'm remembering incorrectly or not.

If this is indeed the case, could someone perhaps give me a quick example as to how this could be achieved? I am currently using Mapserver 4.8, Chameleon 2.4, and OGR 1.3 in the application, running on a Windows 2003 server.


Timothy Pascoe

Environment Canada / Environnement Canada
Canada Centre for Inland Waters / Centre Canadien des Eaux Intérieures
867 Lakeshore Road / 867, chemin Lakeshore
Burlington, Ontario / Burlington (Ontario)
L7R 4A6

Tel/Tél: (905) 336-6239
Fax/Téléc: (905) 336-4699
E-mail/C. élec: tim.pascoe at ec.gc.ca
Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada
This e-mail represents the opinions and views solely held by its author and in no manner may be considered as representing those of his/her employer.

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