asp.net2 and mapserv cgi

Jelmer Baas baas at SPEERIT.NL
Tue May 9 12:10:10 PDT 2006

Piero Cavalieri wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have new machine on which I installed .net 2.
> When doing http request to cgi I have the following response:
> "MZ@!L! This program cannot be run in DOS mode"
> I worked with mapserv cgi on Win2000, XP, 2003, all with .NET1.1, and 
> never problems.
> I suppose it's IIS new permissions policy, but I didn't find answers. 
> Does anyone experienced this ?

The text you describe is the header from an EXE file.

I would say that your EXE file is corrupt. Try redownloading it, and 
scan for virusses.

With Kind Regards,
Jelmer Baas
Speer IT B.V.

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