Missing FeatureMember with Oracle Spatial

H. Porath porath at WEB.DE
Mon May 15 07:54:07 EDT 2006

Hello list,

i am using Mapserver 4.6.3 with Oraclespatial native support and have setup a WFS. The problem is that i do not get FeatureMembers for a WFS GetFeature Request. Here is how my Layer definition looks like:

        NAME         flst
            "wfs_title"  "flst"
            "gml_include_items"		"all" 
			"wfs_extent"	"3400000.000000 5400000.000000 3600000.000000 5800000.000000" 
        DUMP TRUE
	CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
       	DATA   "fs_koordinate from os_flst USING VERSION 9i"
        TYPE     POINT
        STATUS   ON
           NAME  "referenz"
               SYMBOL "punkt"
                SIZE 2
                COLOR 000 200 050
            END # style
        END # class
    END # layer

The result of a getfeature only presents the bounding box coordinates. The result of a describefeature also includes additional elements which should result in featuremembers.

I have seen that the mapserver bug 1608 (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1608) references to a similar problem but this is still an open issue. I am working with solaris and mrsid and i had many problems compiling GDAL/OGR. I do not want to recompile it with oracle spatial support. 

My question is: Is it really a bug or am i doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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