PHP Mapscript

Lowell.Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Wed May 17 12:04:34 PDT 2006

Matthew Swort writes: 

> I have a question concerning PHP Mapscript. 
> I am using the same Mapfile that we used previously in Perl Mapscript
> and can get all of my layers to show up. However, my text and labels
> do not show up on the map. As far as I can tell everything is
> installed correctly. 
> I am using Mapserver 4.8.3 on RHEL 4u3 ES (2.6.9-32.ELsmp) with PHP 4.4.2 
> Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


If the mapfile contains the definition for the text & labels and they are 
not created by mapscript the problem most likely lies in the path to the 
fonts or such.
shp2img may help point you in the right direction as it will take mapscript 
out of the picture. 


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