Question about querybypoint

Frederico Lucca fredlucca at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 18 06:40:05 PDT 2006

Hello list,

I'm querying a layer by point, using tolerance in meters because I need to
find some street in a point using Decimal Degrees and a range in meters.

Something like:


        layer.queryByPoint(map, point, mapscript.MS_SINGLE, -1)

Comparing two radius, 100 and 50 meters, I think 50 is twice faster than
100, is this true?

What's the difference between MS_SINGLE and MS_MULTIPLE.
MS_SINGLE find one, and only one feature??? MS_SINGLE is much faster than
Supousing that I need to return the nearest street name and some streets
don't have name, is better to querybypoint with 50 meters and if the street
don't have a name find again, with 100 meters? Or find MS_MULTIPLE with 100
querybyrect or querybyshape are faster?

I need the fastest result because i need to query in 10 layers very quickly.

Thanks in advance.


"Everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"
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