Dbox with other projections

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue May 23 10:42:59 EDT 2006

Matt: DBox is projection independent in that it treats everything as a plane. Basically it works like MapServer in that respect. You can change map units so that scale matches what MapServer is computing. I believe there is a setUnits method for the mapserv object.

MapServer itself handles the WMS portion on the server so as long as things are setup correctly in the mapfile then you should be good.


>>> "Pritchard, MJ (Matt)" <M.J.Pritchard at RL.AC.UK> 05/23/06 3:28 AM >>>
Any tips on how to use the new dbox example with layers that are in
other projections (e.g. external WMS layers in epsg:4326) ?

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