Rotating Symbols

Stuart Eve stuarteve at LPARCHAEOLOGY.COM
Fri May 26 10:23:17 EDT 2006

Dear All,

We have been trying to get symbols to rotate along a line in mapserver 
(4.8.3). Basically we want to get a small triangle pointing either 45 
degrees or 270 degrees to a line.

We firstly tried using PIXMAPs - but I don;t think its possible to 
rotate these at all (is that true?) plus they do not seem to follow the 
line and always just point 'up'.

So we then tried using some truetype symbols - these follow the line - 
but seem to be rather erratic as to which way they point. We are using a 
small triangle from the webdings.ttf set - and sometimes it will point 
up and sometimes it will point down (but even if its on the same section 
of the line).

Does anyone have any pointers?

Thanks in advance


Stuart Eve
L - P : Archaeology
stuarteve at 

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