Make points on a map clickable + use criteria from MySQL

Mike D'Ambrogia miked at JAMAGINATION.COM
Tue May 30 10:17:22 PDT 2006

How would you determine which point you were looking at off the

-----Original Message-----

One way to do this is with an imagemap that calls a javascript function 
it add the item to an array. Then you can fetch and use the array of 
items for whatever later.

-Steve W

Sarah Parrott wrote:
> Hi,
>  Is there a way to make points on a map clickable? Basically I want 
> the
> user to be able to look at the map and then select a subset of the 
> points on it by clicking on them and then use this 'list' of points 
> somewhere else. The points are stored in a shapefile which is
> on top of a raster layer.
>  Also, with the same points in the shapefile, can I display them
> differently depending on a value in a mysql database? Each user will 
> have their own data about that point - mainly whether or not they have

> been there - and I want to be able to show points they have visited in
> different way to points they haven't.
> Thanks!
> Sparrott :)

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