JavaMapscript SIGSEGV

Andre Sachs asachs at CLUE.CO.ZA
Wed May 31 04:16:28 EDT 2006

On 31 May 2006, at 8:37 AM, Umberto Nicoletti wrote:

> Andre, could you report whether the patch attached to gentoo bugzilla
> works or not?

Hi Umberto,

Sorry for not replying earlier.

The patch works in a 32 intel environment, thanks !

Due to time constraints on my current project I ditched my AMD 64,  
Java 1.5 64 bit environment in favour of Intel 32 bit and this has  
resolved my problem.

The problems I experienced are somewhere in the application stack,  
either in :
- Sun's 64 bit 1.5 jdk
- Gentoo's glibc 2.3.5-r2
- Linux kernel 2.6.16

Once my current project is over (+- 3 weeks) I will be have some  
spare time to hunt down the culprit.

Andre Sachs
IT Architect, Clue Technologies PTY (LTD)
email: andre at

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