ratser map based on CGI

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed May 31 09:59:04 EDT 2006

Zhonghai: That should be doable. The CGI does accept a point (only in map coordinates I think) and a scale. You'd probably want to allow panning in the the main map display (no zooming) and then control scale with a seperate form. A skeleton browse template might look like (this is off the top of my head):

<form name=image_form action=/cgi-bin/mapserv>
  <input type=hidden name=map value=[map]>
  <input type=hidden name=imgext value="[mapext]">
  <input type=image name=img src=[img]>

<form name=scale_form action=/cgi-bin/mapserv>
  <input type=hidden name=map value=[map]>
  <input type=hidden name=mapxy value="[mapx] [mapy]">
  <select name=scale SINGLE>
    <option value=1000000> 1:1,000,000
    <option value=500000> 1:500,000
  <input type=submit name=" go ">

You'd have to maintain the scale select list state with a bit of javascript but otherwise something like this should work. Since the forms are pretty well self contained you should be able to use most any design/page layout.


>>> Zhonghai Wang <zhonghaiw at GMAIL.COM> 05/31/06 3:18 AM >>>
Hi guys,

trying to develop a small demo using scanned paper maps, these are some
historical maps and scanned as GIF or JPEG format. I am wondering if I can
do it only using HTML tags and CGI parameters, without client side script

the problem for these paper maps is:

I can not use the zoom[number] parameter to set the zoom control, since each
paper map can only be displayed in a certain map scale, e.g 1:1000000,
otherwise it's not readable because of the image resolution. I have about 9
different levels.

I appreciate your info.



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