Restricting map draws WMS

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed May 31 18:09:26 EDT 2006

Travis: Did you try setting MINSCALE/MAXSCALE for each layer? The underlying drawing code will respect (or at least I think it does) those values regardless of the what the client asks for.


>>> Travis Kirstine GIS Tech <tkirstine at JDBARNES.COM> 05/31/06 12:06 PM >>>
Hi All,
Is there a easy way to control minscale/maxscale draws server side for a
wms? We are testing a wms that serves out high res. ortho for a large area
(30,000km2).  We were hoping that we could control the draw with the
minscale maxcale options in the layer definition in the server side mapfile.
However, when testing the wms using ArcGIS 8.3, ArcGIS 9.1, uDig and
ArcExplorer Web we are finding that the minscale maxscale are not
consistently recognized on the client side, and if the minscale/maxscale
definitions are omitted the draw times are extreme.

Any ideas would be great.


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