problem plotting points on map using PHP/MapServer

Mon Sep 11 23:50:41 PDT 2006

G'day Ben,

I'm still working through this myself, but some thoughts below. there  
is a very helpful powerpoint called php_mapscript_mum2.ppt from  
DMSolutions, google it and get it.

Also, bookmark 

if you haven't already.

> So far, I can draw the basic map with a country outline. However, I  
> am unable to draw points on the map.
> I have set up the basic map, and added a class and a layer for the  
> points. I then run the following code:
> $image=$map->draw();
> $point = ms_newPointObj();
> $point->setXY(-21.97, 64.15);
> $return = $point->draw($map, $pointsLayer, $image, 0, 'A beautiful  
> point');
> $return is 0.
> Is there any way I can get further information as to what might be  
> going wrong here, with more detail than just the success/failure  
> methods?

I might have this wrong, but you seem to have to turn your pointObj  
into a lineObj to add it to a shapeObj to add to the map. This is how  
I do it : (the str_replace is to deal with , decimals)

$outbreakshape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT);

#B	now add the points...
	foreach($dispmappoint->itemlist as $ob_id=>$locn) {
		#B	make a point
		$outpoint = ms_newPointObj();
		$outpoint -> setXY($locn[1],$locn[0]);
		#B	Add it to a line object
		$obline = ms_newLineObj();
		#B	Add it to our shape
	$dislayer->addFeature($outbreakshape);	#B	then add the feature to  
the map.

Now try drawing it.

> Apparently the PHP function ms_newMapObj() must have a map file  
> passed to it, although I noticed that the Python version does not.  
> Is there a reason for this? At the moment, I have a dummy map file  
> containing nothing which I have to use.

No, it doesn't need one (or it didn't @ 4.8) you can just use


> If I use something like $layer->name = 'Layername', the layer name  
> is not set (in fact it is set to null). Using $layer->set('name',  
> 'Layername') it seems fine. Not really a problem, just wondered why.

Others could answer this I'm sure... but although it seems a bit  
annoying at first, it is great for reusing code. I guess they have  
one function in the class that sets any variable.

Good luck, and if I have it wrong, I'd be delighted to be corrected,  
or to see some smarter code.




Ben Madin

t : +61 8 9192 5455
f : +61 8 9192 5535
m : 0448 887 220
Broome   WA   6725

ben at

					Out here, it pays to know...

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