raster data looks washed out

scottpez scottpez at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 13 07:08:00 PDT 2006


I am trying to serve up a raster dataset in mapserver. The raster dataset is
an aerial orthophoto. When I view this dataset in any program other than
mapserver  (Imagine, ArcGIS and even FWTools1.0.6 OpenEV_FW program) the
dataset looks fine. However, when I serve the dataset up through mapserver
as a wms request, the returned image looks washed out. The colors do not
seem to be quite right. Also, it seems like the resolution isn't as great
but then this could simply be because of the washed out colors. Does anyone
know what may be going on here?

I am not sure the current mapserver version I am using but it is not that

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/raster-data-looks-washed-out-tf2265476.html#a6286352
Sent from the Mapserver - User forum at Nabble.com.

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