PHP_Mapscript QueryByAttributes on PostGIS layer - bug or feature?

Delfos, Jacob Jacob.Delfos at MAUNSELL.COM
Wed Sep 20 16:29:00 PDT 2006

Hi Sergio,
Thanks for that. I am not sure if a QueryByPoint would help for me, but I just change the querystring for PostGIS. It's not clean and abstract, but for now that will have to do. 
I didn't manage to find the post you mentioned. Was it on the MapServer list?


	From: Sergio López [mailto:sergiodlopez at] 
	Sent: 20 September 2006 23:39
	To: Delfos, Jacob
	Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHP_Mapscript QueryByAttributes on PostGIS layer - bug or feature?
	I had the same problem, and I think is a bug. I've solved it by implementing a query by point using POSTGIS spatial queries, because I use only Postgis layers. There is a post with the explanation (in spanish, i'm afraid). search the list , the subject of the post was "Possible bug", in may 2006.
	"Delfos, Jacob" <Jacob.Delfos at MAUNSELL.COM> escribió: 

		Hi List, 
		I'm trying to perform a QueryByAttributes operation on a PostGIS layer, but I get an error. Basically, it seems that the where clause being generated leaves out the attribute name and operator. Am I doing something wrong?
		My code is: 
		   $gotResult = $oLayer->queryByAttributes("roadname","EMERALD RD",MS_MULTIPLE); 
		My PHP error is: 
		[19-Sep-2006 08:53:34] PHP Warning:  [MapServer Error]: prepare_database(): Error executing POSTGIS DECLARE (the actual query) statement: 'DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR SELECT roadname::text,asbinary(force_collection(force_2d(the_geom)),'NDR'),gid::text from roads WHERE (EMERALD RD) and (the_geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(-149999998.5 -99999999,149999998.5 99999999)'::BOX3D,find_srid('','roads','the_geom') ))' <br><br>
		It works if I do: 
		$oLayer->queryByAttributes("roadname","roadname like 'EMERALD RD'",MS_MULTIPLE); 
		Am I supposed to perform the QueryByAttributes operation differently for different data sources? It gets more difficult if I don't know in advance whether the type is text or number....
		I searched the list and bugzilla for something similar, but couldn't find it. I'm using php_mapscript 4.8.3 (I tried using 4.10beta2, but all my mapfiles get invalid map extent errors for some reason).

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		jacob.delfos at 


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