Question: ArcGIS Server using PostgreSQL/PostGIS

Till Adams adams at TERRESTRIS.DE
Thu Sep 21 01:13:43 PDT 2006


ok. Never tried it again after i had three crashes some time ago :-(


Luca Manganelli schrieb:

> On 9/21/06, Till Adams <adams at> wrote:
>> To your question: There is an externsion to ArcGIs 8 called "PgArc"
>> (->sourceforge). But first it is a kind of "unsufficient hack", because
>> it does not make ArcGIS read PostGIS directly, it uses the
>> shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp extensions to generate a shape, which then is used
>> by ArcGIS and written back.
>> Second since esri changed the object model between arcgis 8 and 9 it
>> does not work with the 9-er stuff.
> You're wrong. It works with ArcGIS 9. But it is really SLOW.

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Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR
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