Multiple feature queries to WFS?

Jeff Dege jdege at KORTERRA.COM
Mon Sep 25 07:27:43 PDT 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bartvde at] 
> Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 2:27 AM
> To: Jeff Dege
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Multiple feature queries to WFS?
> Hi Jeff,
> you can get multiple by combining the PropertyIsEqualTo's 
> with the <Or> tag.

I discovered the <or> tag on further investigation.  Doesn't do all I
need, since it returns a separate boundedBy for each featureMember, and
one for the entire FeatureCollection.  The data I'm using has multiple
featureMembers for each property value.  If I query on one property
value, the featureCollection's boundedBy is what I need.  If I query on
several property values, the featureCollection's boundedBy is
meaningless to me, and I need to add up the boundedBy's of each
indivudal featureMember.

Which isn't a hard thing.

> Also, what datastore are you using? Remember that shapefiles have no 
> attribute indexes, so access on an attribute will be slow and requires

> parsing of the whole shapefile normally. This kind of use case might
> better of in PostGIS.

The data I have is provided in shapefiles.  I could extract the
attribute data and put it in a database, should it be necessary.  I'm
not sure that it is, right now.  I'm using an Ajax client, and pulling
the boundedBy values asynchronously, prior to the user's actually asking
for it.

> The limit is usually the limit of the web server, Apache's limit is 
> somewhere around 8000 characters (HTTP GET).

Is there any other way of passing this data?

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