using alt tag to do mouse over

Trimble, Beheen btrimble at SFWMD.GOV
Tue Sep 26 09:39:34 PDT 2006

Hi All,


I want to use alt tag in my template to show an attribute of the active
layer. Below is the content of the html:



This is the image of the active layer:


<input type="image" name="img" src="[img]" width="[mapwidth]"
height="[mapheight]" border="0" alt="this is a map" > 


These are tow layers that user can select:

<b>Select Layers to Display: </b>

 <select multiple name="layer" size=3>

 <option value="lecsr_subareas" [lecsr_subareas_select]> Lecsr Subareas

 <option value="lecsr_budget" [lecsr_budget_select]> Lecsr Budget



If user select lecsr_budget, when the mouse is over this image I want to
display the attribute site_name of this shape file.

Right now it displays 'this is a map'.  Something like 'alt=layer.value'
or 'alt=layer[site_name]' ??


I don't want to use java script if I can use mapserver functions through
the request string.


I have looked at the archives, they look too complicated for this? It
must be an easier way!





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