Querying Tile Index

Xiaopeng Xiong xpxiong at PURDUE.EDU
Fri Sep 29 12:31:10 EDT 2006

Hello everyone,



I am new to the list and just start using Mapserver. I met some problem when I tried to do query a tile index for a set of geotiff image files. I have tried to google the answer but got no clue. So I really appreciate if someone here can help me out, or give me a concrete example.


My problem is as follows:


I have an index for image tiles (geo tiff files). The index includes an attribute "path" which is the source path of individual .tiff file. Now I can successfully display the .tiff files on Mapserver. What I need to do now is that when a user clicks the map, the mapserver will return the "path" information for the tile .tiff image that is clicked. I set the mode to "indexquery", but it always returned me zero record. I believe there is something I have missed but not sure what it is.


The mapfile config is as follows: 



  NAME davisphoto

  TYPE raster


  DEBUG on

  TILEINDEX /home/danpatch/b/pinnais/public-web/data/stateplane_east/Davis_photo_index 

  TILEITEM "path"

#  MAXSCALE 80000.0


        Name 'Davis Photo'

     END  # CLASS














   HEADER '/home/danpatch/b/pinnais/public-web/orthoweb/querytemplate/davis_header.html'

   FOOTER '/home/danpatch/b/pinnais/public-web/orthoweb/querytemplate/davis_footer.html'

   TEMPLATE "/home/danpatch/b/pinnais/public-web/orthoweb/querytemplate/davis_query.html"




I wonder if someone can help me. Highly appreciated.




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