Changing Style of Symbols on the fly

Marcelo Carrillo marcelito20 at GMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 3 16:45:12 PDT 2007

Hi guys,

I am requesting any help changing the style of symbols in a dynamic layer.
Im using MapScript on Csharp, heres a sample of my test code. Im trying that
even points uses one style and odd ones uses another. Mapserver presents all
points with just one of the styles... Is there any other way how I can do
what I'm trying??

                    foreach (pointObj point in RealPathPoints)
                        if (point != null)
                            double x = point.x;
                            double y = point.y;
                               styleObj styleNodos = LayerNodos.getClass
                                if (counter % 2 == 0)
                                    styleNodos.symbol = 19;
                                    styleNodos.symbolname = "on.gif";

                                    if (counter == RealPathPoints.Count)
                                        point.draw(m_obj, LayerNodos, i_obj,
0, CarId);
                                        point.draw(m_obj, LayerNodos, i_obj,
0, counter.ToString());
                                    styleNodos.symbol = 18;
                                    styleNodos.symbolname = "off.gif";
                                    if (counter == RealPathPoints.Count)
                                        point.draw(m_obj, LayerNodos, i_obj,
0, CarId);
                                        point.draw(m_obj, LayerNodos, i_obj,
0, counter.ToString());


                            point.setXY(x, y, 0);
                    counter = 1;
                    ShapeNodos.draw(m_obj, LayerNodos, i_obj);
                    LayerNodos.draw(m_obj, i_obj);

Any hel will be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Marcelo Carrillo
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