Streets and streets' labels drawing performance

Gregor Mosheh gregor at HOSTGIS.COM
Thu Apr 5 16:42:53 PDT 2007

>     But the performance is a huge problem when it tries to render the
> streets and the accompanying labels. And I mean it, the server bends and
> stays on its knees for minutes while I wait for the map to show.

Yeah, that'll happen; it's very easy to do street data not-quite-right and
make it slooooow.

You mentioned using maxscales and minscales and all. In what capacity are
you doing that? Are you using the CFCC (the road's "importance") as the
classitem, and showing only highways at this scale, only highways and
major roads at this scale, ...?

Is this a line shapefile? Or did you buffer the lines into polygons, to
get that cool-looking effect of thick road lines? Poylgons render more
slowly than lines, so if you're looking for thick roads I'd recommend
using 2 styles per class, rather than a polygon.

Did you use shptree on the shapefile? That creates a spatial index (a .qix
file) and can dramatically speed up the shapefile driver.

Those are a few ideas...

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