postgis layer query

Maher Karim Maher_Karim at DORSCH.COM.JO
Wed Apr 11 22:49:19 PDT 2007

Hello Christina,
You should specify the mapunits for the map file
and use a proper tolerance distance in the layer which you want to query
e.g.  TOLERANCE 15

Do not forget to add  specify the result fields in your metadata for the
layer which you want to query.


Maher Abdel Karim
Dorsch Water and Environment
GIS systems analyst/programmer

|         |           Christina           |
|         |           <cgackstatter at GMAIL.|
|         |           COM>                |
|         |           Sent by: UMN        |
|         |           MapServer Users List|
|         |           <MAPSERVER-USERS at LIS|
|         |           TS.UMN.EDU>         |
|         |                               |
|         |                               |
|         |           04/11/2007 05:05 PM |
|         |           Please respond to   |
|         |           Christina           |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |        To:      MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU                                                                                                    |
  |        cc:                                                                                                                                       |
  |        Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] postgis layer query                                                                                        |

Hallo all,

I am trying to do a query an Postgis Layer.

In my Postgis Layer there is a tablespace with more than 1000 rows. Every
row is a line on my map.
When I click on a line, I get all the lines in the tablespace queried.
Is it possible, to get only the line queried where I clicked on, and not
the whole tablespace?

I am using Mapscript.

I hope, somebody can help me!

Thanks in advance.

Best regards!

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