Is it possible to randomly color polygons?

János Gonzales janos.gonzales at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 13 10:47:18 PDT 2007

Before you start implementing the Four Color theorem into mapserver
code, I'd recommend taking a look at Quantum GIS (QGIS)  which is a
free open source GIS package that allows you to create map files.
When you import your shapefile to QGIS it is colored randomly  and
then you can export that as a mapfile.

However, i've not been able to run that QGIS function on their latest
windows release.

You might want to look at what other software out there creates
mapfiles on the fly.


On 4/12/07, Jeff Hoffmann <jeff at> wrote:
> I have a layer with a lot of polygons that I want to display, but I
> don't really care about what color those polygons are (they're not
> classified, I'm not going to have a legend, I just want them to be
> different colors so no 2 adjacent polygons are the same color, e.g.
> counties in a state or states in the US).  It seems like it'd be a
> pretty common thing to want, but is there a reasonably easy way to do
> it?  I'm guessing the best way would be to assign a class to each of the
> polygons, but is there some sort of algorithm to figure out how many
> colors I need and how to assign them?
> Any ideas?
> --
> Jeff Hoffmann
> Head Plate Spinner

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