Problems with WMS time support

William Hudspeth bhudspeth at EDAC.UNM.EDU
Tue Apr 17 13:12:36 PDT 2007


Thanks for responding. I am indeed trying to access the second layer in my
example. By the way, I am following the example given in the "How To"
section of the Mapserver web site. The tileindex "pm25_time_index" refers to
a table in Postgres/PostGIS that stores paths (in the column "location") to
GRASS raster files. It has a timestamp column named "datetime" that stores
the date and hour requested in the WMS request. The setup of that table
looks like this:

Fields: oid (oid), gid (integer), location (string), the_geom (geometry),
rundate(timestamp), datetime(timestamp)
Example data:  6309363 |  198 |
/home/apache/western_us/20070312/cellhd/D031207_t01.pm25_raw | "geometry
string here" | 2007-03-12 00:00:00 | 2007-03-12 01:00:00

There IS a reference to the "D031007_t21.pm25_raw" file in there, but I
don't know why it would stand out, since there are some 1200 other records
in that table, and I make no other reference to this date and time in the
WMS request, nor in the map file.

And finally, yes GRASS is built into GDAL - I can successfully run gdalinfo
on any of the GRASS rasters that are recorded in the Postgres table.

Thanks again,  Bill

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