MS5 - Line follow in AGG? Both AGG and GD? Demos?

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Aug 3 11:41:28 PDT 2007

At the moment AGG rendering falls back to GD for text drawing. That may change before the
final release. So, any text you can draw with GD can also be done with AGG including ANGLE
FOLLOW. GD is still integral to MapServer so it is required (e.g. you have both libs).

Chris Schmidt put together a version of the Boston Free Map that allows you to toggle between
GD and AGG, (MS SVN is essentially 5.0-beta2). 


>>> On 8/3/2007 at 12:46 PM, in message <46B36A0A.3030808 at>, Gregor
Mosheh <gregor at HOSTGIS.COM> wrote:
> I have a question about the upcoming MS5 release.
> Under 4.10, I know that having labels follow lines requires GD 2.0.29+ 
> Under 5.0, can this be done using AGG?
> If not, then can MS5 be built with support for both AGG and GD?
> And does anyone have any demos/screenshots yet of MS5 in action? I'd 
> love to show my employers some side-by-side comparisons.

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