same effect as CGI mode=itemquerymap but with PHP/mapscript

Rodrigo Martín LÓPEZ GREGORIO rodrigomlg at GMAIL.COM
Tue Aug 7 06:17:47 PDT 2007

Finaly I figured out how to get it working; in my php mapscript file I added
the next code:

if ($_GET['mode'] == 'itemquerymap') {
 $qstring = explode("=",$_GET['qstring']);
  // I remove the \ characters of the qstring

And at the end of my file:

if ($_GET['mode'] == 'itemquerymap') {
} else {

So if the mode is itemquerymap I draw the query; otherwise I make a normal


On 8/3/07, Rodrigo Martín LÓPEZ GREGORIO <rodrigomlg at> wrote:
> Hi List.
> Normally I use mapserver as CGI, but now I need to move to PHP/mapscript.
> In my actual applet I use the CGI mode=itemquerymap to show the selected
> polygon on a layer with different color. So I pass the next values on the
> CGI call:
> mode=itemquerymap&qlayer=mylayer&qstring=someattribute='avalue'
> This works greats through CGI. Now I want to get the same effect using PHP
> Mapscript but I'm a little confused how to get it working. I know how to get
> the string parameters in php, even split the qstring parameter using explode
> but what I don't know is what must I do to get PHP Mapscript use the
> QUERYMAP format (defined in my base mapfile) to show the selected polygon.
> Can anyone give me a hint?
> Thanks.
> Rodrigo.
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