Java Mapscript Error
Umberto Nicoletti
umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 10 12:32:14 PDT 2007
Please report the mapserver version, how it was built and the
environment (windows/linux, shapefiles, database, ecc).
It is difficult to help you without knowing that.
On 8/10/07, Stephen Jones <stephen.jones at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am hoping that someone is going to be able to help me out here.
> I am using the Java version of mapscript, along with Tomcat to produce
> dynamic mapping for an application. Whilst coloring all features on a layer
> with the same color all is ok. Once I try to classify the features, the
> first client displays ok, but when another client invokes a session I get
> this error message
> java.lang.UnknownError: loadSymbolSet(): Unknown identifier. Parsing error
> near (SYMBOL):(line 0)
> at
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptJNI.mapObj_setSymbolSet(Native
> Method)
> at
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapObj.setSymbolSet(
> I have replicated this using a simple loop to draw my map as below
> public void doMap(){
> int j;
> for (j=0;j<10;j++){
> drawMap(j);
> }
> public void drawMap(int index){
> String filename = "mapImg"+Integer.toString(index)+".jpg";
> mapObj icemap = new mapObj("");
> rectObj mainExtent = new
> rectObj(-77.1,38.85,-76.9,38.95,mapscriptConstants.MS_FALSE);
> icemap.setExtent(mainExtent);
> setPaths(icemap,index);
> icemap.setHeight(800);
> icemap.setWidth(800);
> doImageColor(icemap);
> webObj thisWeb = icemap.getWeb();
> thisWeb.setImagepath("/var/maps/tmp/");
> addLayerInfo(icemap,"Urban
> Area","ap",mapscriptConstants.MS_LAYER_POLYGON,mapscriptConstants.MS_ON,0,10000000,15657698,"NAME","georgia-bold",6,100000,50000000,0,0.0,0);
> addthermalMap2(icemap);
> imageObj mapImg = icemap.draw();
> icemap.delete();
> }
> In addLayerInfo I create a layer etc etc and define a class with an empty
> expression (ie all features)
> classObj oMapClass = new classObj(aLayer);
> oMapClass.setExpression("");
> In addthermalMap2 I create an expression for an attrubute field frst as such
> oMapClass.setExpression("([frst]>=3.0)");
> The function setPath , sets the path to shapefiles, symbol & font files.
> public void setPaths(mapObj icemap, int index){
> icemap.setShapepath("/var/maps/shapefiles/");
> System.out.println("Set Shape path");
> icemap.setSymbolSet(symSet); // THIS IS THE LINE THAT CAUSES IT TO
> System.out.println("Set Symbol");
> icemap.setFontSet("/var/maps/symbols/fonts.txt");
> System.out.println("Set Font");
> }
> The second time around the loop setPath generates the error message. If i
> comment out the addthermalMap, it runs ok ? I have seen something similar
> posted for php/mapscript. Is there any way round this ? Have I missed the
> point and done something wrong ? Is it a known bug ? If so is it planned to
> fix it ? This is real urgent as I have a deadline of end of this month to
> have the first system out for test.
> Thanks Stephen
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