mapscript: python24.dll not found (using python25)

Marcos Sánchez Provencio marcos at BURKE.ATH.CX
Mon Dec 10 02:37:47 PST 2007

There should be no problems in running two pythons by each other (only
one will be associated with .py files and so, but that should represent
no problem...).

El jue, 06-12-2007 a las 11:21 +0100, Milo van der Linden escribió:
> Hello list!
> I am trying to set up the mapserver py wrapper that is documented on
> the mapserver website. For this I unzipped the mapscript python files
> from the MS4W package.  Then I run the
> My machine is windows 2003. When running the script from the command
> line, a windows dialog pops up saying that the python24.dll is not
> found. My guess is that this has to do with the mapscript.dll trying
> to hook on to python24.dll
> Can I simply copy the python24.dll into my python25 installation? 
> Can I run two pythons next to each other?
> Or is there a compiled version of mapscript available that hooks into
> the python25.dll?
> Kind regards,
> Milo van der Linden

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