Strange wms behaviour

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 10 04:24:20 PST 2007


a bit more info would be helpful :-)

It could be that your MAP Object's NAME equals your LAYER NAME, or your WMS
client requests the top level Layer (which is the Map's NAME).

What would be helpful:
-MAP file
-GetCapabilities output
-the URL that your WMS client uses.

Best regards,

On Dec 10, 2007 1:10 PM, Milo van der Linden <mlinden at> wrote:

>  Hello list,
> I have a mapserver mapfile with two layers in it. Although I tell the
> client to explicitly load one layer, the other one also shows!
> I have been playing arround with STATUS ON, STATUS OFF and STATUS DEFAULT,
> but nothing helps...
> help!
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