symbol rendering problem

Kyle Wilcox Kyle.Wilcox at NOAA.GOV
Mon Dec 17 07:38:10 PST 2007

The problem persists using AGG 24-bit PNG, AGG 8-bit PNG, GD PNG, GD
GIF, GD JPEG.  I will file a big report.

thomas bonfort wrote:
> I'm guessing this has to do with using negative values in your vector points.
> this looks like an agg rendering, what kind of output do you get using gd?
> could you file a bug report on this please?
> thanks,
> thomas
> On Dec 14, 2007 7:16 PM, Kyle Wilcox <Kyle.Wilcox at> wrote:
>> My symbol is defined as follows:
>> Symbol
>>   Name 'arrow2'
>>   Type VECTOR
>>   Filled TRUE
>>   Points
>>     1 3
>>     1 -3
>>     4 -3
>>     0 -8
>>     -4 -3
>>     -1 -3
>>     -1 3
>>     1 3
>>   END
>> END
>> When I rotate the symbol as follows, only the right half of the image is
>> shown.  This only happens when ANGLE is '0'.  Because the actual values
>> for ANGLE are being pulled from a database, I can't change a '0'
>> appearing there often (when the wind is blowing true north).
>>                 NAME "< 12.5 m/s"
>>                 KEYIMAGE "images/legend/70.png"
>>                 EXPRESSION ([wind_speed] <= 12.5)
>>                 STYLE
>>                         SYMBOL "arrow2"
>>                         ANGLE 0
>>                         COLOR 255 52 0
>>                         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>                         SIZE 3
>>                 END
>>  END
>> Here is a link to a map that is showing the problem:
>> --
>>  Kyle Wilcox
>>  NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
>>  410 Severn Avenue
>>  Suite 107A
>>  Annapolis, MD 21403
>>  office: (410) 295-3151
>>  Kyle.Wilcox at
>>  "It is from the wellspring of our despair and the places
>>   that we are broken that we come to repair the world."
>>                                                 - Murray Waas


 Kyle Wilcox
 NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
 410 Severn Avenue
 Suite 107A
 Annapolis, MD 21403
 office: (410) 295-3151
 Kyle.Wilcox at

 "It is from the wellspring of our despair and the places
  that we are broken that we come to repair the world."
						- Murray Waas

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