queryByShape performance

Jacolin Yves yjacolin at FREE.FR
Tue Dec 18 06:42:41 PST 2007

Le Tuesday 18 December 2007 15:25:00 Guillaume Sueur, vous avez écrit :
> Hi list,
> I'm building a piece of software using a queryByShape to retrieve all
> administrative boundaries covered by a specific layer. I have severe
> performance issues when the layer's shape is spatially wide and
> geometrically precise (many coordinates). Is there a way to improve the
> performances ? I thought using shptree on both shapes could help, but
> apparently not. Any clue ?
> Thanks

Why don't you use a simplified layer of administrative boundaries for your 
search? Or use a postgis table as you are using a huge layer data (Huge data 
is better and faster accessed in a postgis layer than in a shape file as the 
connection time is shorter than the request)?

If you need great accuracy, I have no clue, sorry ;)

Yves Jacolin

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