mapserver 5 parallel to mapserver 4?

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at GMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 18 07:39:11 PST 2007

For cgi, the dlls can be in the same mapserv.exe directory, so there
shouldn't conflicts (maybe...).I remember I used a configuration in which I
had mapserv.exe (with all the required dlls) in the Scripts directory, and
in the same dir, another dir with another set of exe/dlls (the first one was
from MS4Win, used for WMS with AGG output, the last one was from FWtools,
used for WCS). For me this seemed to work (but I used this configuration ony
a bit on my devel machine...).

Why cgi should be used only for a trial ?


2007/12/17, Gregor Mosheh <gregor at>:
> Piero Cavalieri wrote:
> > in cgi mode, u could simply make calls to different paths
> > http://localhost/Scripts/mapserver4/mapserv.exe?map=....
> > http://localhost/Scripts/mapserver5/mapserv.exe?map=....
> That doesn't address the many other binaries, nor MapScripts.

> instance, if you wanted shp2img or PHP/MapScript, you'd have to take
> some care about how to install them.
> But if you just wanted to try out the CGI for a trial, and not use
> MapScript, this trick should work A-OK.
> In fact, you wouldn't even need to install them to different paths, just
> different names, e.g. /cgi-bin/mapserv5 and /cgi-bin/mapserv
> --
> Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth
> System Administrator, HostGIS cartographic development & hosting services
> "Remember that no one cares if you can back up,
>   only if you can restore." - AMANDA
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