mapserver update

Guillaume Sueur guillaume.sueur at NEOGEO-ONLINE.NET
Wed Dec 19 01:11:36 PST 2007

maybe you should check the configure output as it can claims for php
header files. do you have the php-devel package installed as well ?

R. Ortner a écrit :
> I tried to replace my /usr/lib/php/extensions/ but in the
> mapserver5 folder (downloaded from
> is no in
> the /mapserver/php3 folder!?
> Umberto wrote:
>> In fact now you have the *CGI* version of mapserver installed. But
>> since you use php mapscript you need to configure, compile and install
>> php mapscript.
>> You should be able to do that just by:
>> mapserver-5-source$ cd mapscript/php3
>> mapserver-5-source$ make
>> and then replace with the new php_*.so the old ones picked up in php.ini
>> HTH,
>> Umberto
>> ----
>> Hi,
>> I have Mapserver 4.10 installed and tried to install the mapserver 5.0.0.
>> I´ve configured the mapserver with 
>> ./configure --with-ogr=/usr/bin/gdal-config --with-wfs --with-proj
>> --with-postgis --with-gdal --with-geos --with-wmsclient --with-wcs
>> --with-sos --with-php=/usr/include/php/main/ --with-threads
>> and then executed the make command.
>> after copying the mapserv file to my cgi-bin folder where the old one
>> (from mapserver 4) was I thougtt that I now have mapserver 5 installed,
>> but when I call the test.php which shows me what version is installed, it
>> tells me still Mapserver 4.10.
>> Is there something special to do to activate the mapserver 5 (i thought
>> with installing the version 4 the old version should be either overwritten
>> or working parallel by calling the new mapserv or the old mapserv (which I
>> copied to a subfolder (mapserver4/mapserv).
>> regards

Guillaume SUEUR
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