strange scalebar behaviour

Giuseppe De Rossi giuseppe.derossi at EMAIL.IT
Fri Dec 28 20:04:18 PST 2007

Hi to all,
I don't understand how can I set the settings in order to have a linear
standard scale which normalized measure. That is:
If I change the value of the scale by typing it I obtain strange value for
the scale bar and even if I set a steady measure in pixel in the map file
the length(in pixel) can change.
This is an example 
scale	scalebar
10	1
100	10
1000	120
2000	240
4000	480
8000	970
10000	1200
12000	1400
14000	1700
15000	1800
20000	2400
24000	2900
28000	3400
30000	3600
32000	3700
33000	3700

I'd like to have a scalebar which takes 1 cm per interval for 10 interval
that is 10 cm which can represent 1, 10, 100, 1000 meter according to the
set value. How can I get this ?(The beaviour of scalebar is also affected by
the mapsize)

Thanks to everybody

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