Mapserver & SDE 9.1 performance

Emmanuel BELO emmanuel.belo at CAMPTOCAMP.COM
Thu Feb 1 14:19:36 EST 2007

Dear list,

we have installed Mapserver 4.10 compiled with SDE 9.1 support on a
windows OS (IIS and PHP5 ISAPI). The application is working, but with
poor performances: 9 to 64 times slower performances when rendering
vector data from SDE than from an indexed shapefile exported from SDE
(same dataset).

We investigated and found:

- mapserver renders data as fast with SDE than with SHP data, the
difference is made between mapserver query to SDE and the end of SDE

- after a mapserver query (for a point layer, without queries nor
labels) SDE sends sequentially two responses with nearly the same size.
In our case, each response is about 3 sec.

So, we have two questions:

- first: why does SDE answers twice?
- is somebody using Mapserver/SDE with good performances?

Best regards,

Emmanuel BELO

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