non-square shapefiles and tileindex

Ara T Howard ara.t.howard at NOAA.GOV
Sat Feb 3 07:54:20 PST 2007

On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Brent Fraser wrote:

>  If your goal is to not write any "null" pixels (e.g.  black)  from an input
>  image into the output image, you can use the OFFSITE layer setting in the
>  R,G,B values that are to be considered "null" and should not be rendered
>  into the output image.  And there may be some more sophisticated techniques
>  using the PROCESSING object in the layer definition.

so, i just tried that with the mapfile i showed you.  i tried both

   OFFSITE 255 255 255


   OFFSITE 255

both result in totally blank output from mapserver for the request i posted?


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simply reflect on that.
- the dalai lama

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