Question about raster performance

Ben Tuttle funkbucket at GMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 6 10:50:44 PST 2007

In my experience there is not one easy answer to this question. There
are too big factors I always consider though:
1-The resolution of the data
2-The average area of the raster to be displayed/downloaded

The points being that a 1m image will likely need smaller tiles than a
1km image.
Also, if people will generally be viewing a 1kmx1km area of the raster
and your tiles are all 1mx1m then you would constantly be piecing a
lot of tiles together for display/download. However, if your tiles
were 500mx500m you might not have to mosaic as many tiles for each

Not sure what experiences others have had, but this has been mine.
Hope it helps get you going on the right track.

On 2/6/07, Stéphane RIFF <stephane.riff at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to know if someone has already test the best tile raster size ?
> Does it affect mapserver performance if the tiles are too small or too big ?
> Thanks
> Steff

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