Java Mapscript with Struts2

Umberto Nicoletti umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 14 11:47:05 EST 2007

I have been using Java mapscript with struts1+scaffold since mapserver
4.0 and it's working great.
I have not direct experience with struts2, but struts1+scaffold works
pretty much like that with a new helper (in scaffold terms) being
instanciated at each request.
Performance has never been an issue simply because the app is used in
small intranets with less than 5 concurrent users and small datasets.
I also have other CRUD apps created with the same architecture and
they've never suffered in performance except when the application
server starts swapping ;-).

I would say that also struts1 is a good framework to use with Java
mapscript. Scaffold is a framework created by Ted Husted in the early
1.0 days that I extended for internal company usage.


On 2/14/07, Mario Basa <mario.basa at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just reading about how Struts2 (Webworks 2) instantiates Actions
> for each request so that there are no thread-safety issues to worry
> about. This sounds perfect for Java Mapscript, and I was wondering if
> there is anybody in this list who has done any work already with this
> framework and who is willing to share the experience. I'm really
> curious if there will be a performance difference compared to Struts1.
> Thanks.
> Mario.

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