WMS and getFeatureInfo problem

Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) bartvde at OSGIS.NL
Tue Feb 20 07:00:37 PST 2007


first of all, querylayers should be query_layers.

text/html is not supported by default, I believe you need to do some
templating for that. Check the following document and search for text/html:


text/plain works using this request:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

--------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------
Van: Stefan Schwarzer <stefan.schwarzer at GRID.UNEP.CH>
Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] WMS and getFeatureInfo problem
Datum: 20/02/07 12:57

> Hi there,gush, the last hours I spent with searching my way through pdfs,
email archives and how-tos... But somehow in vain....Why does my
getfeatureinfo not work? Probably just a tiny thing - as usual. But it's
getting somewhat frustrating.Thanks for any
GetMap:http://gridca..grid.unep.ch/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/www/geodataportal/htdocs/mod_map/geo_wms.map&service=wms&version=1.1.1&request=getmap&layers=gdp_capita,int_boundary_lines,continent_outlinesGetCapabilities:http://gridca.grid.unep.ch/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/www/geodataportal/htdocs/mod_map/geo_wms.map&service=wms&version=1.1.1&request=getcapabilities	#
Map definition ---------------------		NAME geo_wms.map	STATUS ON	SIZE 600
300	EXTENT -180 -90 180 90	UNITS DD	IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255	SHAPEPATH 'xxx'
	FONTSET 'xxx' 	SYMBOLSET 'xxx' 	# End Map definition
---------------------	# Projection definition
---------------------	PROJECTION	'init=epsg:4326'	END	# End Projection
definition ---------------------			# Web definition
---------------------		WEB		IMAGEPATH 'xx'		IMAGEURL 'xx'		METADATA		   
'wms_title'                          'GEO Data Portal WMS Server'		   
'wms_onlineresource'      'http://geodata.grid.unep.ch'		    'wms_srs'      
        		 'EPSG:4326'	            "wms_getfeatureinfo"      
       	    "wms_featureinfoformat" "text/plain"	        END	END		# End Web
definition ---------------------	          # Layers definition
---------------------    LAYER        NAME gdp_capita        STATUS OFF     
  CONNECTIONTYPE postgis        CONNECTION 'user=xx password=xx dbname=xx'
			        TYPE POLYGON        DATA 'xxx'         TEMPLATE 'dummy'       
DUMP TRUE        CLASSITEM 'y_2004'        CLASS            NAME ''         
  EXPRESSION ([y_2004]=-10001)            TEMPLATE 'empty space'        END 
# CLASS         CLASS            NAME 'Units: Constant 2000 US$ per Person' 
          EXPRESSION ([y_2004]=-110003)            TEMPLATE 'units as title
in legend'        END  # CLASS 				        CLASS            NAME 'no data'  
         EXPRESSION ([y_2004]=-9999)            COLOR 230 230 230           
TEMPLATE 'dummy'        END  # CLASS        CLASS             NAME '88 to
9634'            EXPRESSION ([y_2004]<=9634)            COLOR 255 255 178
           TEMPLATE 'dummy'            LABEL                FONT arial      
         TYPE truetype                ANTIALIAS false                SIZE 8 
              COLOR 0 0 0                POSITION AUTO               
PARTIALS FALSE                FORCE true                OFFSET 0 5          
     #OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0            END        END  # CLASS        CLASS    
        NAME '9634 to 19180'            EXPRESSION ([y_2004]<=19180)     
      COLOR 254 204 92            TEMPLATE 'dummy'            LABEL         
      FONT arial                TYPE truetype                ANTIALIAS false
               SIZE 8                COLOR 0 0 0                POSITION
AUTO                PARTIALS FALSE                FORCE true               
OFFSET 0 5                #OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0            END        END  #
CLASS        CLASS             NAME '19180 to 28725'            EXPRESSION
([y_2004]<=28725)            COLOR 253 141 60            TEMPLATE 'dummy'
           LABEL                FONT arial                TYPE truetype     
          ANTIALIAS false                SIZE 8                COLOR 0 0 0  
             POSITION AUTO                PARTIALS FALSE               
FORCE true                OFFSET 0 5                #OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0     
      END        END  # CLASS        CLASS             NAME '28725 to 38271'
           EXPRESSION ([y_2004]<=38271)            COLOR 240 59 32       
    TEMPLATE 'dummy'            LABEL                FONT arial             
  TYPE truetype                ANTIALIAS false                SIZE 8        
       COLOR 0 0 0                POSITION AUTO                PARTIALS
FALSE                FORCE true                OFFSET 0 5               
#OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0            END        END  # CLASS        CLASS         
   NAME '38271 to 47817'            EXPRESSION ([y_2004]>38271)          
 COLOR 189 0 38            TEMPLATE 'dummy'            LABEL               
FONT arial                TYPE truetype                ANTIALIAS false      
         SIZE 8                COLOR 0 0 0                POSITION AUTO     
          PARTIALS FALSE                FORCE true                OFFSET 0 5
               #OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0            END        END  # CLASS       
METADATA            'wms_title'   'Gross Domestic Product - per Capita'     
  END # METADATA        PROJECTION            'init=epsg:4326'        END   
END  # LAYER ... other layers ....END # Map File	

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