WFS problem with Filter accepting by MapServer

Diatchkov Vitali untitle at MAIL.RU
Thu Feb 22 08:04:05 PST 2007


The MapServer 4.8.* that we use as a WFS server has some problems with
GeoTools WFSDataStore at the client side. The Filter being produced by
GeoTool library looks like:

decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">3669974.159827543,7034913.012544877

and I suppose it conforms to GML2. But MapServer does not handle attributes
in<coordinates> tag: decimal, cs, ts. If these attributes are encoded in the
filter XML then MapServer returns an exception that Filter is invalid or not

The following filter work fine:

Is it possible to fix the issue? Sure, it is a problem of MapServer not of
GeoTools library because these attributes are part of spec. And the
combination GeoTools + MapServer is quite widespread.

We would like to see this problem to be fixed, don't know what is the
situation in the following versions of MapServer..

Regards ,
Vitali Diatchkov.

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